Some customers need more from their life insurance than just a death benefit. Protective Advantage Choice UL offers lifetime protection plus flexible features and potential cash value accumulation.
Why recommend Protective Advantage Choice UL?
Customers who want long-term protection with added flexibility can enjoy these 3 benefits:
Product snapshot
Get a quick profile of Protective Advantage Choice UL and its flexible features.
Helpful resources on Protective Advantage Choice UL
We want to help you decide if Protective Advantage Choice UL is the right fit for Allstate's customers. Use these resources to learn more about this universal life insurance product and support your customer conversations.
Offer customers lifetime protection with flexible features and cash value potential
Introduce customers to Protective Advantage Choice UL
Show customers how a step premium design can give them more time for investment growth
Other related topics
Deliver protection, growth and flexibility with Protective Indexed Choice%%SM%% UL
Give customers predictable guarantees with Protective%%®%% Lifetime Assurance UL
Deliver flexible options for short-term needs with Protective Custom Choice%%SM%% UL
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We’re ready to help you deliver the protection and security customers deserve. Reach out to us anytime for questions and support, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.