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Protective%%®%% Lifetime Assurance UL

When customers want straightforward lifetime coverage and predictable payments, Protective Lifetime Assurance UL could be just the right fit.

Why recommend Protective Lifetime Assurance UL?

Budget-minded customers who want long-term protection for their loved ones can enjoy these three benefits:
Customizable guarantee lengths
Customers can choose the length of their guaranteed coverage anywhere from ages 90–121. 
Predictable level-pay premiums
They lock in competitive, stable premiums at the start and maintain those rates for life. 
Straightforward, understandable coverage
Its simple design is easy for customers to understand so they can feel confident in their policy. 
Straightforward protection to secure what matters most
Use this consumer-friendly video to show customers how Protective Lifetime Assurance UL offers simple, guaranteed lifetime coverage with predictable payments.
 A still frame from a video about Protective Lifetime Assurance UL.

Helpful resources on Protective Lifetime Assurance UL

We want to help you decide if this solution is the right fit for customers. Use these resources to learn more about the product and support your conversations. 
The cover of the Protective Lifetime Assurance UL product profile
Introduce customers to Protective Lifetime Assurance UL
The cover of the Protective Lifetime Assurance UL producer guide
Learn how this product can offer customers straightforward, guaranteed coverage
The cover of the Protective Lifetime Assurance UL short vs. long-term thinking flyer Reply
Explain the value of locking in premiums to help customers save in the long run

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We’re here for you

We’re ready to help you deliver the protection and security customers deserve. Reach out to us anytime for questions and support, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.