Frequently asked questions
There are a few ways to connect with TeleLife, based on convenience preferences.
Whenever possible, transfer your customers directly to TeleLife by calling 888-800-6608, option 1. If that’s not possible, advise your customer that a Protective Life representative will be calling within 24 hours to complete the application by phone.
If your customer prefers to contact TeleLife directly, the information below can be provided:
TeleLife phone: 888-800-6608, option 1
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. CT and Saturday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. CT
- Prompt 1 = Customers calling to complete telephone interview
- Prompt 2 = Paramed status/questions
- Prompt 3 = Application packet, life insurance application status or underwriting questions
- Prompt 4 = Enter party’s extension
- Prompt 5 = Spanish-speaking customers calling to complete telephone interview
TeleLife will be calling from our dedicated toll-free number, listed above. Agents may want to provide this number to applicants or have them program into their cell phones.
Fax Number: 888-615-9619
TeleLife resources

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