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A father holding his young while sitting outdoors in front of his computer.
A father holding his young while sitting outdoors in front of his computer.

Making the case for life insurance

Everyone has something to protect. That's why it's so important to connect people to life insurance that secures what matters most to them — regardless of age, income or life stage. We're committed to helping you protect more people while supporting your business along the way.

Why life insurance is important to customers, and you

More than 30% of households would feel adverse financial impacts within one month if a primary wage earner died.¹ By selling life insurance, you help give customers the security and protection they deserve — with added benefits for you and your business.
 A financial professional sharing life insurance information with her clients.
Security for customers:
  • Financial security
  • Protection for their family
  • Peace of mind
  • Income replacement for lost salary
Two financial professionals shaking hands while an audience claps.
Benefits for you and your business:
  • Stronger customer trust and retention
  • Additional revenue stream
  • Cross-selling opportunities
  • Potential to earn incentives
How to identify opportunities
Are you listening for the cues to uncover your customers’ life insurance needs? It's easier than you think. Learn how to pivot conversations to the benefits of life insurance so you can earn trust, cross-sell and grow your business.
Thumbnail for the identifying opportunities video.
Thumbnail for the customer transition video.
How to transition the customer conversation
It takes practice to introduce life insurance to your life and auto customers in a way that flows naturally. Here are some simple ways to bring up the topic of life insurance in a way that feels comfortable.
How to overcome common objections
You've successfully introduced life insurance to your existing customers — that's great! But what happens when you're met with doubt or concerns? Use this three-step approach to overcoming objections and learn how to refocus the life insurance conversation.
Thumbnail for the overcoming objections video.

Other related topics

Financial professional explaining the basics of life insurance to his clients
Understanding the basics of life insurance
A financial professional conducting a life insurance needs check up with a client.
Life policy review to keep up with customers' changing needs
A family taking photos and smiling, knowing they are protected with term life insurance.
Term life offers simple, affordable protection for a certain time

We’re here for you

Everyone deserves peace of mind when it comes to safeguarding what’s most important. We’re ready to help you deliver the protection and security customers deserve. Reach out to us anytime for questions and support, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
¹ Insurance Barometer Study, Life Happens and LIMRA, 2021
